Jukebox - The First Social Music Experience
As we all know that the old fashioned jukeboxes suddenly disappeared with the arrival of modern Smartphone. Jukeboxes were the first social music experience, heavily used in bars and clubs. But now everyone stop buying and using those jukeboxes for listening music, even the bar owners replaces them with eJukeboxes.
Converting phone into a Jukebox is not a rocket science. You just need an Android phone and to install a jukebox music player app then connect it to your stereo. Once install go to a Music website for purchasing or to download free music to the phone.
Organize downloaded music into playlists where songs can easily be extracted. There are music players that can curate and organize music for you automatically.
Completing our story of jukebox and jukebox industry, well there were almost 150000 music machines a decade ago but now they were reduce to 90,000 according to latest survey of a top business magazine. The reason is that people are not more interested in carrying those heavy machines while they have an option of listening songs through their Smartphone.
TouchTunes founded in 1998 has first time introduces internet connected jukeboxes. Probably at that time very little amount of music lovers used this jukebox because a slow dial up connection. Lately when Broadband services are increasingly occupied by rich casino and bar owners TouchTunes then shift their Music machines to broadband enabled jukebox.